Biotechnology research
At AseBio we are firmly committed to science and innovation. We believe that scientific knowledge is the foundation of progress and that the biotechnology industry must take responsibility for generating and transforming knowledge into innovations that impact society and the economy.
Faced with the healthcare emergency caused by Covid-19, Spanish biotechnology has worked against the clock to find a solution to this pandemic. The study shows that there are over 53 AseBio members, including companies, hospitals and research centres, working on 170 solutions. Nearly half (49%) of the lines are working on products or raw materials to diagnose the illness, 33% to find a treatment and 9% on prediction tools. AseBio members are also working to develop a vaccine: 7% of this research is focused on it and another 2% of the members are helping produce vaccines.
Get detailed information on the work AseBio members are doing here*.
*Data were actualized on march 2022