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The AseBio Report compiles the latest data from the Spanish biotechnology sector. This 2023 edition is special for the association as we celebrate our 25th anniversary. In addition to providing the most recent indicators of the sector, we have compared them to how they were a quarter of a century ago, or at least the first time we were able to produce those indicators. In this way, the AseBio Report 2023 reflects the radical transformation our sector has undergone in these 25 years.

The Drug Discovery Working Group of AseBio has developed the document "New Tech in the Drug Discovery Process," which addresses trends and barriers in the biotech sector regarding the use of digital tools for discovering new drugs.
The Spanish Bioindustry Association (Asebio) presented in July 2019 the report Propuestas para incrementar la competitividad del sistema español de I+D+I. The document analyses the Spanish public policies to support R&D&I and compares them with the policies implemented by countries around us.
The report 'Propuestas para incrementar la competitividad del sistema español de incentivos a la I+D+i' analyses macroeconomic data and investigates the processes and practices to boost innovation defined in Spain and nearby countries. It specially explores the relationship between public investment and companies investment in R&D&I focusing on biotech sector.
Industrial biotechnology is changing the way people work in many industries and is revealed as a key sector in the race for a stronger and more sustainable bioeconomy.
This document shows what are the requirements to boost BI for a more competitive Europe.
[Document only in Spanish]
In recent decades, biotechnology has allowed the development of more than 650 innovative biological drugs to treat diseases such as cancer and other serious neurological, rheumatologic or endocrine diseases, among others.
This document tries to shed light on the complexity and specific characteristics of biological medicines and analyzes the degree of access of patients to these innovations in our country.
[Document only in Spanish]
Summary of objectives and main activities of the Valor Plus project (Recovery of Biorefinery By-products), developed within the framework of the 7th EU Framework Program (2013-2017)