Banco Español de Algas
Contact information
Banco Español de Algas
Muelle de Taliarte, s/n
Taliarte,Telde, Gran Canaria
Las Palmas
Areas of activities
- A. Health Biotechnology
- Areas of activity
- Biodrugs
- Therapeutic areas
- Dermatology
- Infectious diseases
- Immunology
- Oncology
- Central nervous system
- B. Agrifood Biotechnology
- Agriculture / veterinary / environmental
- Other enhancement techniques (molecular marker..)
- Animal health / Veterinary
- Food
- Animal Food / Feed
- Functional Food
- C. Industrial Biotechnology
- Biofuels
- Microorganism
- D. Services
- R&D services
- Genomics
- Professional services
- Consultancy
- Training and spreading
The Spanish Bank of Algae, hereinafter BEA, is a national R&D&I organization of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC),linked to its Scientific and Technology Park (FPCT), whose basic objectives are isolation, identification, characterization, conservation and supply of microalgae and cyanobacteria.
Besides these features, the BEA is intended as a service to facilitate the development of a new sector based on bioindustrial cultivation and application of microalgae and cyanobacteria.
- Offer to companies and R&D institutions a vast biodiversity of microalgae and cyanobacteria
- Establish the bases for the development of a new ecosystem-based agro-industrial production of microalgae biomass and bioactive
- Isolation, identification, characterization, conservation and supply (to companies and institutions) of microalgae and cyanobacteria.
- Conservation of microalgae for business purposes and for bio-industrial patents.
- Training, dissemination and assesment in microalgae biotechnology
Products and services
- Strain identification by microscopy
- Strain identification by DNA analysis
- gDNA "à la carte"
- Strain isolation and purification
- Patent depository
- Deposit for maintenance
- Flow Cytometry
- International Courses
- Acceptance of strain donations
- Strains
- Main catalog
- Axenic strains
- gDNA Strains
- Sequenced DNA strains
- g-Strains "easy-to-grow"
- Genomic DNA
- Culture media and seawater
Areas of interest for future collaborations
- Anti-neurodegenerative diseases
- Anticarcinogenic
- Antioxidant / free radical
- Arteriosclerosis
- Antiallergic
- Anticoagulant
- Antihepatotoxic
- Anti-inflammatory
- Cardiovascular
- Hypoglycemic
- Hypolipidemic
- Bactericide
- Immunostimulant
- Anti-viral /-retroviral (herpes, HIV)
- Anti-osteoporotic
- Anti-mycoplasma (veterinary)
- Cosmetic Dermatology
- Natural anti-UV Protectors
- Production of recombinant proteins and monoclonal antibodies glycosylated
Biotech Agroalimentaria
Product / Service | Aplication | Development phase |
BEA-ULPGC | BEA provides services to companies and research institutions, in order to facilitate the implementation of initiatives and projects related to research and industrial developments in the field of cyanobacteria, microalgae and macroalgae biotechnology. | R&D |