
Contact information
Silvia Labé, Directora de Comunicación y Relaciones Institucionales
Baldiri Reixac, 4-8, Torre I (PCB)
Areas of activities
- D. Services
- Professional services
- Sector dynamisation
Biocat is the organization that coordinates and promotes the biotechnology, biomedicine and medical technology sector in the BioRegion of Catalonia. Its mission is to dynamize all the stakeholders in this area —public and private organizations represented in its governance bodies— to boost the research system, an active transfer of knowledge and business development.
Products and services
Biocat's main goals are:
- To consolidate the cluster by promoting the mutual knowledge and interactions among the BioRegion's stakeholders
- To foster companies competitiveness and to stimulate entrepreneurial talent
- To facilitate and promote the sector?s internationalization
- To inform and contribute to a better understanding and social awareness of biotechnology