Center for Plant Biotechnology and Genomics (CBGP, UPM-INIA/CSIC)

Contact information
Center for Plant Biotechnology and Genomics (CBGP, UPM-INIA/CSIC)
Antonio Molina, Director del Centro de Biotecnología y Genómica de Plantas UPM-INIA
Campus de Montegancedo de la UPM. Autopista M40 km.38
Pozuelo de Alarcón
+34 910679101
Areas of activities
- A. Health Biotechnology
- Areas of activity
- Biodrugs
- Biomarkers
- Biological defense
- In vitro diagnostics
- Therapeutic areas
- Immunology
- B. Agrifood Biotechnology
- Agriculture / veterinary / environmental
- Biologic control (plagues..) and bioestimulants of crops
- GM Crops
- Environmental cleanup / testing
- Other enhancement techniques (molecular marker..)
- Food
- Functional Food
- Food safety
- C. Industrial Biotechnology
- Biofuels
- Bioremediation
- Enzymes
- Fermentation or biocatalysis
- Microorganism
- Monomers and polymers
- Waste valorisation
- D. Services
- R&D services
- Bioinformatics
- Biotechnolgy kits
- Genomics
- Scientific and technical instruments
- Metabolomics
- Nanotechnology and in silico biology
- Laser Optical Systems
- Professional services
- Consultancy
- Training and spreading
- Sector dynamisation
The creation of CBGP had its origin in the perception of a two-fold necessity: to continue doing basic research at a competitive level, and to respond to the demands of new products, processes and services by the economic agents related to plant biology. Strategic objectives of CBGP are:
- Generation of knowledge on the genomics and biotechnology of plants and plant-interacting organisms.
- Development of new technologies and tools for functional analyses.
- Development of new products and processes relevant to the productive sectors..
- Transmission of information and implementation of educational programmes for scientists and technicians.
Products and services
New technologies for more sustainable agriculture (agrobiologicals, biofertilizers, microorganisms, biopesticides, etc.) and new genetic traits for plant breeding. The center provides services for confocal microscopy, flow cytometry with cell sorting, plant growth in greenhouses including P2 biosafety modules, metabolomics, and P3 biosafety laboratory.
Areas of interest for future collaborations
R&I in:
- Plant Development
- Interactions of Plant with the Environment and plant adaptation to environmental stress
- Computational and Systems Biology, and Genomics
- Synthetic Biology and Bioengineering. All the R & I areas associated with the development of the technologies and products indicated (e. g. agrobiologicals, biofertilizers, plant nutrition, microorganisms, bioppesticides, plant breeding, etc.)