Life Length


Contact information

Life Length
Stephen J. Matlin, Consejero Delegado
C/ Miguel Angel, 11 ? 2º
Areas of activities
  • A. Health Biotechnology
    • Areas of activity
      • In vitro diagnostics

Life Length, a spin-off of the Spanish National Cancer Research Center, is the world?s only company able to measure critically short telomeres, a crucial biomarker test for measuring biological age for the public and providing telomere measurements services for drug development and clinical trials to the pharma / biotech industry. 

Products and services

Life Length, a life sciences company founded in 2010 to commercially exploit Telomere Analysis Technology (TAT) developed by Dr. Maria Blasco, Chief Scientific Advisor of Life Length and Director of Spanish National Cancer Research Centre, provides testing services to pharmaceutical and biotech industries for drug R&D and clinical trials, as well as to the general public through physicians and clinics interested in telomere indicators of biological age and overall health.

Life Length is the first company offering such precise testing. The founding partners are the Botin Foundation, Dr. Blasco and Matlin Associates.

Biotech Sanitaria

Diagnostics and Personalised Medicine
Product / Service Type Therapeutic area Development phase
Telomere Analysis Technology (TAT Test) Biomarkers Enfermedades cardiovasculares y sistema circulatorio, Oncología Registration