Miramoon Pharma
Contact information
- Drug development
- Drug discovery
- Musculoskeletal system
- Cardiovascular diseases and circulatory system
- Genetic and rare diseases
- Ophtalmology and optometry
- Central nervous system
A wide range of muscle-skeletal, cardiovascular and nervous system disordes share pathological traits based on the dysregulation of calcium channels and oxidative stress.
Focused on addresing unmet medical needs, Miramoon Pharma has secured broad patents covering a family of small molecules designed to restore abnormal calcium channel function and provide antioxidant support through innovative dual-action mechanisms.
Founded by leading experts from the University of the Basque Country and the Biogipuzkoa Health Research Institute, Miramoon Pharma blends scientific expertise, medical commitment, and business vision to deliver groundbreaking therapies to patients and their families.
Miramoon focuses on the development of first-in-class medicines for the treatment of muscle-skeletal, cardiovascular and nervous system diseases. Our compounds regulate certain alterations in cellular calcium mechanisms and oxidative stress.
Our first lead, which obtained the Orphan Drug designation by the American FDAm is specifically aimed at the treatment of the retintis pigmentosa. It´s use will be potentially extended for the treatment of other retinopathies. On the other hand, our pipeline (https://www.miramoonpharma.com/index.php/pipeline/) contains compounds intended for the treatment of muscle and neurodegenerative diseases such as Duchenne musucular dystrophy, ALS, myotonic dystrophy type I, and Alzheimer´s disease, between others.
Miramoon Pharma´s business model revolves around strategic licensing-out and co-development agreements with major pharmaceutical companies or VCs, once each of our molecules reaches the optimum maturity level. These agreements will ensure revenue streams through upfront payments, milestone achievement payments, and royalties upon product market entry to continue advancing with the pipeline.
- First-in-class drug development.
- Collaborations for the execution of preclinical efficacy, regulatory, and clinical research.
- Access to new forms of financing.
- Go to market licensing agreement processes.
- Access to talent for the growth of the company, incorporation of good governance and management practices.