Logo Oniria Therapeutics

Contact information

Oniria Therapeutics
Esther Riambau, CEO
CELLEX CENTER, C/ Natzaret, 115-117
+34 620006316
Areas of activities
  • A. Health Biotechnology
    • Areas of activity
      • Biodrugs
    • Therapeutic areas
      • Oncology

Oniria Therapeutics is a biopharmaceutical company with the mission to develop drugs in the field of precision oncology and specifically focused on cancer persistence.

Oniria Therapeutics is a Spin-out of the Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology, the University of Barcelona and ICREA.


Products and services

At Oniria Therapeutics we translate hard-won knowledge on cancer cell resistance to advanced treatments for patients.

ONR-001, our flagship product, is a first-in-class small molecule that allosterically activates TET2, a master epigenetic enzyme, causing tumor cells to enter a dormant state and even die.

Areas of interest for future collaborations

Biomarkers, pharmaceutical companies and preclinical and clinical research services companies. 

Biotech Sanitaria

Drugs National Companies
Product / Service Type Therapeutic area Development phase
ONR-001 Biodrugs/ Drugs Oncología R&D
Diagnostics and Personalised Medicine
Product / Service Type Therapeutic area Development phase
EpiGold-G Biomarkers, Diagnostic Oncología R&D