Contact information

Javier Pérez Solans
Calle Emilio Castelar 4, 5ª planta
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Las Palmas
928 472 400
Areas of activities
  • D. Services
    • Professional services
      • Sector dynamisation

PROEXCA is a publicly-owned company attached to the Regional Ministry of Economy, Knowledge and Employment for the Government of the Canary Islands whose main objectives are the internationalization of Canarian companies and the attraction of strategic investments into the islands.

The primary aim of PROEXCA is to become a source of reference for the Canary Islands internationalization process and to attract investments.

General Aims

•    Promote the internationalization of canarian companies.

•    Strengthen the canarian business network.

•    Attract investments from strategic sectors into the Canary Islands.

Products and services

•    Soft landing services
•    Guidance and advice of procedures
•    Ad-hoc working agendas
•    Connecting with local stakeholders
•    Guidance on tax incentives and deductions.
•    After-care services

Areas of interest for future collaborations

Promotion of tax incentives for R&D in the Canary Islands