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- Cellular Therapy
- Inflammatory diseases
- Immunology
Established in 2022, THYTECH is a dynamic life science spin-off from the University General Hospital Gregorio Marañón in Madrid.
Despite notable progress in drug development for inflammatory and autoinmune diseases, current treatment options face limitations in efficacy and potential side effects, leaving a substantial number of patients with inadequate responses. THYTECH stands at the forefront of innovation with its cellular therapy based on a new generation of Tregs.
THYTECH is positioned as a regulatory T cell developer, utilizing a novel cell source: the thymus. The thymus, a primary lymphiod organ responsible for T cell maturation, serves as an abundant source of high-quality Tregs, referred to as ThyTreg cells. These cells boast an optimal combination of naïve phenotype, a wide reportoire of TCR specificities (polyclonal), hypoimunogenic features, and excellent expression of makers related to their funcionality, which make them gold-standard for their use as cellular therapy.
The ThyTreg cell are currently in a clinical trial phase for autologous application in pediatric patients undergoing heart transplantation. Nevertheless, our main goal is to demostrate their robust funcionality in an allogeneic setting, levergaging the minimal immunogenecity of the cells.
Hence, the company is committed to developing cutting-edge technology focused on off-the-shelf Treg cell therapies, targeting individuals dealing with serve inmunological and inflammatory disorders.
THYTECH is engaged in the development of hypoimmunogenic, expanded, and cryopreserved ThyTreg cells intended for allogeneic use in the treatment of immunological and inflammatory disorders.
- Advanced therapies, CDMO, manufacturing.
- Autoimmune or inflammatory diseases.
- Drug development/Clinical trials Regulatory.
- Financing, Capital risk.