Bring about change


One of AseBio’s main purposes is to compile needs and proposals from our members and take them to political and economic decision-makers to bring about changes that promote the development of the Spanish biotechnology sector.

Genera cambio

You can be an active agent for change, taking part in the committees and workgroups and helping draft our proposals on healthcare, agrifood, bioeconomy, services and funding, among other topics.

We work actively to create a legal framework for our sector that is more favorable to research and innovation, allowing us to participate on a level playing field in Europe and the world.

We are also committed to a new model for funding R&D that ensures there is a sustained increase in public and private investment, that wide-reaching instruments like public procurement of innovative solutions (PPI) are developed, and that hurdles blocking access to innovative diagnostics and drugs in the public health system are broken down.

We defend biotechnology’s active, growing contribution to healthier, more sustainable agrifood production, and to a cleaner, more efficient industrial sector, in line with the principles of the circular economy.

At AseBio, we take these proposals to the government and Spanish and international institutions and make sure our member companies and organisations are heard wherever the future of the biotechnology sector is decided.