
Celtarys Research will present its technology for optimizing drug discovery at the XX National meeting of the Spanish Society of Medicinal Chemistry (SEQT)

With the title of "From early discovery to translational medicinal chemistry" the next meeting of the Spanish Society of Medicinal Chemistry (SEQT) will be held in Santiago de Compostela from 19-22 June 2022


The meeting gathers an exciting scientific program covering hot topics in drug discovery with a focus on translational medicinal chemistry and brings together academic and industrial experts representing many of the leading institutions in drug discovery. Among the specific topics to be discussed are Optimization in Drug Discovery, New Horizons in GPCR-Targeted Medicinal Chemistry, Small Molecule Immunomodulators in Cancer, Fluorescent-Based Tools and Screening Methods or Target Binding Kinetics.

In this framework, Celtarys Research Chief Scientific Officer, Dr. Maria Majellaro, will present the capabilities of the company for the design and synthesis of customized fluorescent probes specific for any target of interest. Celtarys semicombinatorial chemical conjugation technology has been already extensively validated for the development of GPCR fluorescent ligands, which are currently commercialized and being used as innovative tools in drug discovery.

The meeting, which Inaugural Lecture will be given by José María Fernández Sousa-Faro from Pharmamar, will provide a forum for scientific discussions and will be a great opportunity to highlight the latest advances on drug discovery research.