
PharmaMar leads the TERINMUN initiative, a research consortium in search of immunotherapies based on marine-derived compounds

The project has been approved in the call for public-private collaboration projects of the Ministry of Science and Innovation, with 3.3 million euros in funding from the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.

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Innovative drugs

PharmaMar (MSE:PHM) is leading a research project in collaboration with the Cima University of Navarra and the Autonomous University of Madrid, whose main objective is to search for new compounds of marine origin with antitumor activity that act through innovative immunomodulation mechanisms.

Under the acronym TERINMUN and the title 'Exploring the biodiversity of the marine environment to discover innovative immune-oncology anticancer therapies', the project involves the participation of two of the most outstanding Spanish research groups in the field of immunology, led respectively by Professors Ignacio Melero, senior researcher at the CIMA and head of the Department of Immunology and Immunotherapy at the Clínica Universidad de Navarra, and Francisco Sánchez Madrid, Professor of Immunology at the Autonomous University of Madrid, and Director of the Institute for Health Research at the Hospital de La Princesa.

Today, cancer remains the second leading cause of death in developed Western countries and, in recent years, we have witnessed an explosion of immuno-oncological treatments based mainly on the use of monoclonal antibodies. However, the real potential of immunotherapy and the search for innovative mechanisms of action that stimulate the immune system to fight tumor cells, beyond these compounds, is still unexplored.

The TERINMUN project will focus on the search for small molecules that have been optimized over the course of evolution within the biodiversity of marine ecosystems that have the capacity to stimulate the immune system against cancer through new mechanisms of action. PharmaMar will provide the consortium with its collection of more than 250,000 - 300,000 marine samples, specialized personnel and state-of-the-art resources to search for these compounds.

Eva María Garrido, Ph.D., technical coordinator of the project and head of PharmaMar's Cell Biology Department, emphasizes that "the close collaboration between the academic groups CIMA, UAM and PharmaMar in TERINMUN will maximize the chances of success in the discovery of new immuno-oncological drugs against cancer and, therefore, will open new therapeutic options that may reach the clinical phase in the future."

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