
Super trees against climate change

One of the most effective and natural ways to fight climate change is by planting trees, as, in addition to generating oxygen, they are able to absorb CO2

Climate change

One of the most effective and natural ways to fight climate change is by planting trees, as, in addition to generating oxygen, they are able to absorb CO2. This is why many organisations choose to reforest forests as part of their commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to offset their carbon footprint.

Although carbon absorption varies depending on the species planted, studies suggest that one tree stores around 165 kilograms of CO2 per year, which means that more than 67 trees would need to be planted each year to offset the CO2 emissions of a single Spanish citizen.

However, thanks to science and biotechnology, a group of researchers from the NEIKER technology centre, a member of the Basque Research and Technology Alliance (BRTA), led by Paloma Moncaleán, a researcher from the centre's Department of Forestry Sciences, has been able to create 'super' trees by selecting high-yield pine trees and applying somatic embryogenesis techniques. 

This in vitro technique makes it possible to increase the quality and quantity of some forest species, as well as to assess their tolerance to the new conditions caused by global warming. In fact, compared to conventional plantations, "this technique makes it possible to obtain hundreds of trees from a single immature seed," explains Moncaleán. This technique also makes it possible to freeze the plant tissue obtained in the laboratory to be able to generate more copies in the future.

At the moment, 800 plants have 'left' the NEIKER laboratory and have been planted in the area around Llodio (Álava, Spain) to grow on this land. This is the first laboratory-grown plantation of Pinus radiata, the most common species in the mountains of the Basque Country. 

Multiple benefits

Planting trees with these elite characteristics increases the social benefit of the owners and their industrial fabric, as well as generating an environmental and social benefit by creating natural spaces for the improvement of human and environmental health. In this case, the pine plantation is intended for timber production. 


Another benefit of applying these biotechnology techniques is that the growth cycles of the trees are shortened. "Whereas with a conventional genetic improvement programme, trees can be launched on the market in 18-20 years, thanks to this in vitro technique, the period can be shortened to 7-8 years", Moncaleán explains. 

The somatic embryogenesis technique is being used in many advanced countries in the forestry sector. In fact, other types of trees could benefit from this biotechnology. For example, in Spain, holm oak plants have been generated with tolerance to Phytophthora, a pathogen that causes severe damage. For this reason, concludes the researcher, "we are convinced that these biotechnological techniques are and will continue to be a great ally against the effects of climate change".

This initiative, part of the European Multiforever project and supported by the Spanish authorities, seeks to develop a biotechnology-based strategy to conserve genetic resources of different varieties of conifers such as pine in the face of climate change.