#VidaAlaBiotecnología | The 6 keys to highlight the role of biotechnology as a strategic sector in Spain
At AseBio, we believe that it is crucial to reposition the biotechnology sector as a strategic industry. However, to achieve this, the collaboration of political and social efforts is essential.

A few weeks ago, AseBio launched the #VidaAlaBiotecnología campaign, a call to renew Spain's commitment to the biotechnology sector. The initiative has been developed to meet the current need to boost the biotechnology industry and contribute to the development of social well-being and a more sustainable and resilient economic model.
At AseBio, we believe that it is crucial to reposition the biotechnology sector as a strategic industry. However, to achieve this, the collaboration of political and social efforts is essential. In the global context we live in, biotechnology has demonstrated its potential as a catalyst for change. Research and development of new technologies and products have brought advances that have made a significant impact on important areas such as health, food, and the sustainability of the planet.
Considering that we have come from years marked by critical events in human history such as the Covid-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and the climate crisis, it is evident that all of these are related to areas where biotechnology plays a key role. Examining these scenarios more deeply, there is a common denominator: Europe's dependence on critical supply chains in healthcare, energy, and food. This leads us to reconsider Europe's role and how biotechnology wants and can contribute to achieving European autonomy.
In this scenario, Spain has much to contribute thanks to its scientific and technological potential. In both the public and private sectors, the Spanish biotechnology industry has the opportunity to lead cutting-edge areas and revitalize the economy, building a new model of sustainable development that benefits the economy, society, and the planet.
In this sense, #VidaAlaBiotecnología is built on 6 key proposals:
- Recognize biotechnology as a key sector for the strategic autonomy of Spain and Europe.
Spain needs a comprehensive government agenda that promotes advanced technology industries, such as biotechnology, deemed strategic in addressing economic, social, and environmental challenges by 2030. This would enable solutions to issues where Spain currently faces low scores, such as reducing CO₂ emissions, investing in R&D, and promoting gender equality.
- Establishing a fund for strategic deep technologies.
It is essential to establish a fund with a high investment goal to strengthen and maximize the potential of the Spanish biotechnology industry. This aims to address the need for such instruments and overcome the financial and industrial barriers affecting technological industries like biotechnology.
- Accelerating the market entry of biotechnological innovations.
To achieve Europe's strategic autonomy, we need to accompany biotechnological R&D with specific instruments and regulation tailored to its nature, the speed of innovations, and the depth of the transformation it brings to society. With this initiative, we call for the implementation of instruments such as a strategic financing access program to accelerate clinical trials for SMEs and startups, reinforce support for small and medium enterprises to bring their innovations to market, and create additional mechanisms like a sandbox or testing environments.
- Fostering talent for the industry of the future.
The biotechnology industry is rapidly growing and evolving through data science, Big Data, new technologies like CRISPR gene editing, and therapies such as genetic therapies. However, this is made possible specifically through talent and the training of individuals. To boost future talent, it is crucial to strengthen ties between universities, vocational training, and companies with new collaborative models that allow us to anticipate future challenges, incorporating entrepreneurship from the early stages.
- Fomentar de la I+D biotecnológica a través de modelos colaborativos e incentivos
It is not possible to drive R&D without collaborative models and appropriate incentives. Having subsidy models similar to those of neighboring countries is crucial to achieving disruptive innovations. Additionally, supporting the creation of collaboration platforms involving all relevant stakeholders, including researchers, companies, regulatory entities, and civil society, is essential.
- Promoting biotechnological R&D through collaborative models and incentives.
We urge administrations to strategically use tools to boost demand, such as public procurement, to acquire innovative products and services that accelerate their introduction to the market and contribute to the well-being and sustainable development of our country. This includes a commitment to acquiring biomaterials and bioproducts in their procurement processes and tenders to drive sustainable transformation.
To achieve Europe's strategic autonomy, it is essential to capitalize on the full scientific and technological potential offered by biotechnology. In the case of Spain, it is imperative to recognize the biotechnology industry as a strategic sector and commit to developing specific instruments to accelerate its growth and unlock its full potential.
Join the Commitment and share your proposal to give #VidaAlaBiotecnología. The more signatures and proposals we gather, the more we can convey the needs of the biotechnology sector and ensure it unleashes its full potential in Spain.