The European Virtual Biotechnology Forum: Next Generation Sequencing Advancements and Risks
The European Biotechnology Forum: Next Generation Sequencing Advancements and Risks: Next-Generation-Sequencing (NGS) technology is revolutionizing the healthcare sector, changing how diseases are diagnosed and treated.

The European Biotechnology Forum: Next Generation Sequencing Advancements and Risks: Next-Generation-Sequencing (NGS) technology is revolutionizing the healthcare sector, changing how diseases are diagnosed and treated.
This objective of this virtual forum is to showcase how cutting-edge NGS technologies are enabling and advancing healthcare and highlight how international cooperation can mitigate risks. The virtual forum will include industry developments from experts and leading U.S. biotechnology companies to help European stakeholders understand how to best employ these technologies while ensuring that their nation’s citizen patient data remains secure.
This session is open to European public and private sector representatives from the Ministries of Health; Data protection authorities; National biotechnology institute officials; Genetic diagnostic lab and in-vitro lab executives; Molecular biology and genetics researchers; Medical biotechnology start-ups and more.
To register, please, visit the following link.
15:00-15:05: Welcome remarks
- Yuri Arthur, Regional Senior Commercial Officer Southeast Europe U.S. Commercial Service, U.S. Department of Commerce
15:05 – 15:50 Presentations on the Use of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)
- What is Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)? How is it used to diagnose diseases? How can government health care programs use this technology to ensure the health of their populations?
- Presenters: Marco Capeletti, General Manager, Illumina Neil Ward, Vice President and General Manager, EMEA, Pacific Biosciences Sarah Chahine, Emerging Markets Leader, Clinical Sequencing Division, Thermo Fisher Scientific
15:50-16:15 Risks in Biotechnology: The Need to Protect Health Data
- TBD: Edward H. You, Supervisory Special Agent for Emerging and Disruptive Technologies, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
16:15-16:40 Next Generation Technology: Opportunities and Challenges in International Cooperation
- Patrick P. Rose, Ph.D, Innovation Manager, SPRIND Federal Agency for Disruptive Innovation
16:40-17:05 Moderated Q&A Session
17:05 – 17:10 Closing Remarks
- Dawn Bruno, Deputy, Commercial Section, U.S. Embassy to Greece
- U.S. Commercial Service, U.S. Department of Commerce
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