Talent and Communication Committee

We promote strategies to make it easier for our members to attract and manage talent. These strategies focus on being aware of the main data on talent in the biotechnology sector, the practices applied at biotech companies and the latest news affecting the sector. Plus, we work with other organisations to help draw Spanish talent back to the country.
This is also achieved through good communication and by raising awareness of biotechnology. We work to consolidate and broaden our messages to bridge the gap between industry and society. To do so, we amplify voices, initiatives and content and analyse the stories told about the sector, nationally and internationally.
- To encourage members to get involved in communicating biotechnology in the association’s daily endeavours
- To consolidate collaborations among members to amplify and anchor the sector’s messages, building a community
- To reflect on a variety of new communication and dissemination methods to call attention to the value of biotechnology
- To generate a framework for actions to encourage, attract and retain talent
- To boost partnering with the university arena and dissemination of biotechnology through universities
- To help valorise diversity and inclusion, particularly gender equality
Work groups
Communication and social impact
Beatriz Díaz (Zendal)
- To work to be able to get our messages out to the international ecosystem
- To expand our audience and promote the culture of biotechnology in society through dissemination actions
- To boost the value of biotechnology by making it more visible and amplifying our members’ voices
Talent and Diversity
Tomás Alarcón (3P Biopharmaceuticals)
- To have the tools to help keep talent in the biotech sector
- To share good practices in talent and diversity applied to the biotechnology sector
Members of the commission