Featured Event Transfiere 2023 Málaga España Del 15/02/2023 to 17/02/2023 Healthcare Agrifood Industrial biotechnology International AseBio will play a leading role in Transfiere 2023 with talks and a stand next month in Malaga to showcase the work of...
Featured Event AseBio Green Innovation Forum 2022 Mérida España Del 17/11/2022 to 17/11/2022 Climate change Agrifood International FUNDECYT-PCTEx through the Office for Innovation, together with AseBio, organise this reference event to highlight the...
Trietech Technology and the Power of Microalgae: The Sustainable Revolution in Agriculture 03/02/2025 Climate change Agrifood Circular economy Microalgae represent the future of sustainable agriculture, providing natural and effective solutions to the challenges... Partners - Biorizon Biotech
Biotechnology in the European Commission's Competitiveness Compass 07/02/2025 Healthcare Agrifood Industrial biotechnology Bioeconomy EU projects Financing Se trata de un documento que establece y describe acciones prioritarias para la Comisión hasta 2029. AseBio
The EIC identifies biotechnology for its potential to contribute to European competitivene... 22/01/2025 Healthcare Access to innovation Agrifood Industrial biotechnology This report aims to provide an overview of the most promising emerging developments to serve as a reference for Europe's... AseBio
NUTRACEUTICALS EUROPE 2025 Madrid Spain Del 05/03/2025 to 06/03/2025 Agrifood Food & feed International
Natac is placed in the top 15 companies by return in Horizon Europe 28/11/2024 Agrifood Industrial biotechnology Partners - Natac Group
Biobide presented about Toxicity topics for Drug Discovery in Japan 26/11/2024 Healthcare Agrifood International Communication Corporate "Testicular Toxicity Assessment using Zebrafish" and "Validation and Qualification of New Alternative Methods (NAMs) for... Partners - Biotechnology Assets
Financing, a solid ecosystem, and regulation: key challenges for Spain to drive the Bioeco... 21/11/2024 Climate change Agrifood Food & feed Agriculture Circular economy The state of the bioeconomy in Spain was analyzed during a debate sponsored by the European project ShapingBio at the... AseBio
Financing, a solid ecosystem, and regulation: key challenges for Spain to drive the Bioeco... 21/11/2024 The state of the bioeconomy in Spain was analyzed during a debate sponsored by the European project ShapingBio at the... AseBio