“We hope that the Green Innovation Forum will create business opportunities, foster intern... 06/11/2024 Agrifood Industrial biotechnology We interviewed Iñaki Larraya, Managing Director of Sodena, the public entity of the Government of Navarra organizing the... AseBio
The Green Innovation Forum 2024 Will analyze the key role of biotechnology in the transiti... 04/11/2024 Climate change Agrifood Food & feed Agriculture Bioeconomy The Green Innovation Forum 2024 is a must-attend event for companies, foundations, and academic institutions in the... AseBio
The Green Innovation Forum 2024 Will analyze the key role of biotechnology in the transiti... 04/11/2024 The fifth edition, organized by AseBio and the Government of Navarra through the public company Sodena, will take place... AseBio
Biobide and Corteva publish new article in Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 24/09/2024 Agrifood Agriculture Zebrafish are valuable, robust, and cost-effective models for toxicity testing in the early stages of product... Partners - Biotechnology Assets
Biorizon Biotech and its Trietech© technology, world leader in microalgae-based agricultu... 18/09/2024 Climate change Agrifood Agriculture Biorizon Biotech has become a global leader in agricultural biotechnology and is renowned for its innovative microalgae... Partners - Biorizon Biotech
Biotechnology Applied to Agriculture: Key to Addressing Challenges Such as Hunger, Climate... 09/09/2024 Climate change Agrifood Food & feed Agriculture The optimization of soil nutrient utilization, crops better adapted to climate change, or maximizing pest control... AseBio
Biotechnology Applied to Agriculture: Key to Addressing Challenges Such as Hunger, Climate... 09/09/2024 The optimization of soil nutrient utilization, crops better adapted to climate change, or maximizing pest control... AseBio
Biotechnology holds a prominent role in the policy directions for the next European Commis... 19/07/2024 Healthcare Agrifood Industrial biotechnology Financing The guidelines presented by the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, highlight biotechnology and... AseBio
#AseBioInterview | This has been the development process of the first vaccine against Epiz... 17/07/2024 Healthcare Innovative drugs Agrifood Animal health "Currently, the outbreak of EHDV serotype 8 is generating great alarm due to its epidemic potential and the absence of a... AseBio - Zendal
Cultivated meat plays a crucial role in reshaping the current agri-food system 10/07/2024 Agrifood Food & feed Animal health Within the framework of the Smartfarm project, AINIA has made significant strides in the efficient and sustainable... AseBio - AINIA