Biotechnology: key to addressing the triple environmental crisis and achieving the Sustain... 05/06/2024 Climate change Bioeconomy Circular economy Biotechnology addresses environmental challenges through bioremediation, the production of renewable energy, sustainable... AseBio
Biotechnology: key to addressing the triple environmental crisis and achieving the Sustain... 05/06/2024 Biotechnology addresses environmental challenges through bioremediation, the production of renewable energy, sustainable... AseBio
Effective and flexible regulatory policies, increased investment in R&D, and social awaren... 16/05/2024 Agrifood Food & feed Agriculture Bioeconomy Circular economy At the regulatory and political level, Spain has had the Integral Bioeconomy Strategy since 2015, but it has barely... AseBio
Effective and flexible regulatory policies, increased investment in R&D, and social awaren... 16/05/2024 During the celebration of the AseBio Investor Day 2024, several experts analyzed the challenges and opportunities of the... AseBio
From the pharmaceutical and food industries to guarantor of planetary sustainability: the ... 21/03/2024 Healthcare Climate change Agrifood Agriculture Bioeconomy The vast diversity of resources provided by the still greatly unknown marine ecosystem has significant applications in... AseBio
AseBio Investor Day 2024 focuses on the increasing interest of investors in the bioeconomy... 11/03/2024 Bioeconomy Financing The benchmark event for investors and biotechnology companies will host a panel discussion focused on the challenge of... AseBio
From the generation of emissions-neutral fuels to the improvement of energy efficiency: th... 14/02/2024 Climate change Bioeconomy Bioenergy, biofuels, biological treatment of waste and wastewater, reduction of atmospheric emissions, or improvement of... AseBio
Biotechnology, key in reducing dependence on fossil fuels and developing alternative energ... 14/02/2024 Coal, oil, and gas account for over 75% of total global greenhouse gas emissions and nearly 90% of all carbon dioxide... AseBio
Sustainable Energy Solutions for Pharma and Biotech 24/11/2023 Climate change Bioeconomy Corporate ZETA is committed to making a positive contribution by delivering innovative and sustainable strategies that help our... Partners
BIO360 Nantes, France Del 24/01/2024 to 25/01/2024 Healthcare Bioeconomy Bio360 Expo and the Biotransition: Paving the Path to a Sustainable Future