LeishGen: Advanced Genomic Platforms for Drug Resistance Biomarkers in Leishmania infantum 20/11/2024 Healthcare Access to innovation Antibiotic resistance LeishGenApp and LeishGenR are Nano1Health’s cutting-edge solutions for detecting drug resistance biomarkers in... Partners - Nano1Health SL
Vaxdyn awarded €14.5 Million from the EIC Accelerator to Fund the Clinical Phase of Its Va... 02/09/2024 Healthcare Access to innovation Innovative drugs Antibiotic resistance The European Commission is committed to combating antibiotic resistance through vaccines, selecting Vaxdyn's competitive... Partners - Vaxdyn
The "yes" from the European Parliament to the reform of pharmaceutical legislation jeopard... 12/04/2024 Healthcare Access to innovation Drug discovery Innovative drugs Personalized medicine Advanced therapies Antibiotic resistance Biotechnology has radically transformed the discovery of new drugs: 68% of the drugs currently in development globally... AseBio
The "yes" from the European Parliament to the reform of pharmaceutical legislation jeopard... 12/04/2024 We consider that improvements have been made regarding the original proposal, but these continue to be insufficient for... AseBio
Biotechnology lays the groundwork for the present and future of healthcare and drives the ... 07/04/2024 Healthcare Drug discovery Rare diseases Personalized medicine Advanced therapies Antibiotic resistance Climate change Agrifood Animal health The health pipeline of AseBio includes 130 molecules for 150 indications being investigated by 40 national companies... AseBio
Biotechnology lays the groundwork for the present and future of healthcare and drives the ... 07/04/2024 AseBio's health pipeline includes 130 molecules for 150 indications being researched by 40 national companies, with... AseBio
Vaxdyn leads the KLEBSIELLA project to work on the prevention of one of the most worrisome... 28/02/2024 Healthcare Antibiotic resistance Vaxdyn leads the KLEBSIELLA research project against the antibiotic-resistant bacterium Klebsiella pneumoniae, which... Partners - Vaxdyn
AseBio presents the "Map of Capabilities against Antibiotic Resistance" of the Spanish bio... 21/11/2023 Healthcare Antibiotic resistance The map reveals that 43 AseBio partners are taking direct actions aimed at combating antibiotic resistance through... AseBio
AseBio presents the "Map of Capabilities against Antibiotic Resistance" of the Spanish bio... 21/11/2023 The biotech sector provides cross-cutting solutions ranging from the diagnosis, research, and treatment of infectious... AseBio
Nanodecal Embarks on New Funding Round to Manufacture their Rapid Test for Superbug Detect... 31/10/2023 Healthcare Access to innovation Personalized medicine Antibiotic resistance Financing Nanodecal's funding round aims to raise €600,000 to support the development of a rapid test for detecting respiratory... Partners