We promote the transition towards a more sustainable model


Implementing solutions from the bioindustry and developing the related value chains and new stakeholders gives us the chance to accelerate the transition to this new, more sustainable growth model. 

icono alimentacion

What impact does a green transition have on society?

Global challenges like climate change, soil and ecosystem degradation, and global population growth force us to seek out and drive new production and consumption patterns that respect our planet’s limits.

Since 2015, with the signing of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development that established a new roadmap for economic growth, various national and European plans and strategies have been adopted, such as the Green Deal, European Climate Pact and Spain 2050, setting new social, environmental and economic goals that force us as a country to rebuild our growth system.

What does biotechnology do to mitigate this impact?

Biological and life sciences and technologies facilitate innovations with the potential to make more sustainable use of natural resources, reducing our dependence on fossil fuels, protecting the environment and climate, guaranteeing food safety and maintaining our competitive edge internationally.

Biotechnology has shown to be a key sector in developing this new economic model because it has the potential to bring significant benefits to society, using renewable and alternative resources to fossil fuels to create new materials and products, ensure a safe, healthy, quality food supply, and generate innovative employment, as well as fuelling rural development.

How are AseBio and its members working to address this challenge?

Biotechnology processes allow for sustainable management of available resources and include taking advantage of by-products and waste from production processes in the food chain and urban waste to transform them into new products and raw materials for other industrial processes.

AseBio members are working to transform by-products, waste and even some greenhouse gas emissions into functional foods, animal feed, cosmetics, biofertilisers, biofuel and bioplastics.