We promote 'drug discovery'
Over the past 40 years, since the first recombinant human insulin was approved in 1982, biotechnology has radically transformed drug discovery.

What impact does drug discovery have on society?
With more than 300 biotechnology drugs approved, for some 250 indications, and one thousand molecules in various phases of research around the world to find new therapeutic active ingredients or new applications for existing ones, biotechnology is setting the pace for the future of medicine.
New biotechnology advances and personalised or precision medicine, based on treatments adapted to the genetic profile of each patient, are an important challenge for the sustainability of the most developed healthcare systems.
What does biotechnology do to mitigate this impact?
There are some 1,500 new molecules in clinical trials that are the result of developments in biotechnology. AseBio members have solid capacities in drug discovery, development and production. Our national companies are studying 107 molecules in 118 lines of research, plus we have 8 international companies with subsidiaries in Spain that are studying 174 molecules in 349 lines of research.
The role of public research and start-ups in the early stages of the long process to market is increasingly important. So is the participation of companies that specialise in research (CROs) in the intermediate and final stages of the process.
How are AseBio and its members working to address this challenge?
At AseBio we encourage the creation of collaborative frameworks that promote open innovation with participation from industry and academia.
The sector’s capacities have been identified and noted on the Map of Drug Discovery Capacities AseBio has created and made available to healthcare authorities to help them prevent and respond to any potential public health risks and valorise the capacities and experience of the Spanish bioindustry.
We seek to better integrate and coordinate with other drug discovery platforms in Spain and abroad, sharing initiatives, information and experiences of common interest and carrying out activities to raise awareness among the general public of how new biological drugs can help improve human health.
- The Drug Discovery workgroup focuses on boosting participation in drug discovery hubs, promoting new tools like AI and digitalisation, and encouraging international collaborations.